954-768-9696 The most efficient way to a well-trained dog is through board-and-train dog training. My client dogs are trained during 2 formal daily lessons and participate in learning games in a family environment throughout the day.They enjoy playtime with the friendly resident dogs and learn to relax during downtime. My client dogs go home well practiced in new behaviors and ready for their owners to maintain. All training is done by Helen Verte Schwarzmann, CTC using food motivation and life rewards.
Helen Verte, CTC, specializes in puppy board-and-train as well as adult dogs and rescues. Training during boarding is the most effective and efficient way to train dogs who embarrass or frustrate their owners, dogs and puppies who lack obedience and housetraining skills, and dogs who need something to do with their minds and physical energy instead of acting on impulses.
Packages range generally from two-weeks to three-weeks in length. Contact us.
* “I call him and he runs the other way!”
* “She pees in the house right after we go outside.”
* “My dog jumps on people.”
* “He’s Kujo when he sees other dogs on walks!”
* “I’m getting a new puppy who needs training.”
* “She yanks my arm sockets out pulling on leash.”
* “My rescue dog has no manners.”
* “He sits for a second then gets up.”
* “She barks at visitors.”
* “My dog…”
* We expedite the training. Dogs live with trainer.
* Private transfer lesson included
* Weekly progress updates are provided
* Pick-up and drop-off included
* Methods used are humane and motivating
Get your dog on the fast-track to good behavior by enrolling him/her in our board-and-train program!
Think on This! An investment in board-and-train will expedite good behavior that you’ll enjoy for the lifetime of your dog.
These are among household pet dog behaviors that can be trained and problem areas that can be addressed during a board-and-train enrollment. If you don’t see your in-home dog training need on the list, please ask us.
Drop It
(Come when called)
Polite Greeting
(No Jumping)
Go to mat
Go to crate
Loose Leash Walking
Puppy Chewing
Puppy Biting/Mouthing
Distraction Training
Impulse Control
Leave It
In addition, during a board-and-train, dogs are taken on field trips to train and practice their behaviors in different locations, which helps generalize their new talents.
Screaming puppies can keep you awake. Love Wags A Tail Dog Training will work with crate screaming puppies in tandem with getting on with the housestraining!

Helen Verte Schwarzmann
Contact the professional dog trainer and owner of Love Wags A Tail Dog Training today.
Certified in Training and Counseling
Board of Veterinary Medicine, Continuing Education Provider, State of Florida
Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Your Dog Trainer for Plantation, Southwest Ranches, Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Davie, Weston, Hollywood, Broward County, Lee county, South Florida, Southwest Florida